Garfield's Feline Fantasies is a half-hour animated television special based on the Garfield comic strip. It once again featured Lorenzo Music as the voice Garfield. The special was first broadcast May 18, 1990 on CBS. It has been released on both VHS and DVD home video.
Garfield's fantasy life is beginning to take over his life, in a Walter Mitty-esque fashion. He slips into a fantasy world at any moment, sometimes without warning. In one of these fantasies, which composes the bulk of the special, he is Lance Sterling, a mix of James Bond and Indiana Jones. With his associate Slobberjob (Odie, who has entered the fantasy with Garfield), he travels to exotic locations like Istanbul, Paris, and the Amazon rainforest to find something they call "The Banana of Bombay," and lay claim to it before his enemy "Fat Guy" gets to it first. On the way they meet a mysterious Moldavian lady named Nadia, who has an agenda of her own.